We are pleased to announce the opening of the #KreNI6 conference, the most influential festival that always brings the current news, ideas and innovations to this part of Europe.
First day of the conference, 27th of November will start with the introductory speeches of organizers as well as the partners and friends of the conference. After that, the #KreNI Talks #1 will be held - the first public event for all interested to hear the most innovative and current world topics in the disruptive technologies sphere. Join us at 10:00 at the start of the conference.
The welcome speeches will be presented by:
- Snezana Andric, President of the Young Ambassadors
- H.E. Jan Lundin, Swedish Ambassador in Serbia
- Milan Randjelovic, director of the Science and Technology Park in Nis
Participants will be greeted by the ambassador of Portugal in Serbia, H.E. Virginia Pina, Ambassador of France in Serbia, H.E. Jean-Louis Falconi, Ambassador of Austria in Serbia, H.E. Nikolaus Lutterotti, Ambassador of Israel in Serbia H.E. Yahel Vilan and the Director of the Italian Institute in Serbia, Ms. Paola Cordone.
After the welcome speeches, the first part of the program "KreNI talks: Digital Disruption" will be held starting at 10:15, where we will learn through experiences from Portugal, Sweden, Israel and Austria what changes in technology such as virtual reality, AI, robotics, blockchain, data science, IoT will bring to the traditional understanding of economy and society and how it will redefine various spheres of life.
Our lecturers on this topic will be:
- Luis Martins, President of the VR / AR Association in Portugal
- Elena Sjodin, founder and CEO of Robot Minds from Sweden
- Lior Romanowski, founder and CEO of Spartans from Israel
- Markus Petzl, founder of Disruptive - beyond your strategy from Austria
After the KreNI Talks #1 sessions, join us on Lecture “Intellectual property in disruptive technologies” and Webinar "Water innovation - Can we keep it sufficient and blue?", open to the public audience.
Welcome aboard, #KreNI6 is live!