Considering our society's dependence on nature's welfare and that there is only one water, wastewater reuse is becoming increasingly important. In order to create a sustainable and efficient society, it is necessary to change our attitude towards natural resources and to move to a circular economy in a world of depleted resources. The good news and a chance is innovation.
The webinar was held by two speakers, experts in this topic. The first one was Dragana Vasić, who introduced us with the topic. She shared basic information about water purification and facilities for water purification that exist in Serbia.
The next speaker was Jean Claude AhMan whose topic was „Priority Environmental Infrastructure for Development“. Through his presentation he talked about wastewater and sludge treatment. He opened his talk with the following fact: „Reuse of human waste was practised in ancient times“, and his closing question was „What are the chances to keep our planet blue?“.
The major environmental project on wastewater collection and treatment plants is preparing in Niš with the support of Sweden and the EU, and in partnership with the City Of Niš. This is one of main ongoing projects related to improving environmental infrastructure in Serbia, realizing within the Priority Environmental Infrastructure for Development - PEID.
The main aim of PEID is to contribute to preparation of projects to be ready for financing and implementation within the environmental sector. PEID is funded by the Swedish Government within the SIDA framework for foreign assistance. It is managed by the Embassy of Sweden in Serbia and with the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia (MEP).
Vebinar „Inovacija vode – Da li možemo da je održimo dovoljnom i plavom?“
Ovaj vebinar držala su dva predavača, eksperta u datoj oblasti. Prvi predavač je Dragana Vasić, koja nas je uspoznala sa temom. Kroz svoje predavanje, pružila nam je osnovne informacije o prečišćavanju voda i postrojenjima za prečišćavanje otpadnih voda koja postoje u Srbiji.
Sledeći predavač je Jaen Claude AhMan, čija je tema bila „Prioritetna ekološka infrastruktura za razvoj“. On nam je govorio o obradi otpadnih voda i mulja. Svoje predavanje otvorio je sledećom činjenicom: „Ljudi su još u antičkim vremenima prepeđivali i ponovo upotrebaljavali otpad.“, a kao pitanje za kraj ostavljeno je: „Koje su šanse da našu planetu održimo plavom?“.