Paolo Atzori

Professor of Sustainable Interaction Design

Paolo is professor of ‘Sustainable Interaction Design’, both at NABA-Milano and at the University of Udine in Italy. In November 2022 he held the Conference “Enhanced City” at Milano Digital Week.
He also started several new collaborations, among the others with Fabbrica Europa Foundation about the project of a new Multimedia production and research Center in Florence and a specific research about Industry 4.0 an the Design for a post-cybernetic age. In 2018 designed a large interactive LED wall for the Company Giovanni Rana; in March he lad a Workshop, Digital Arena, at the Pordenone Design Week for Brovedani SpA. In May he staged Balli Plastici Remix of Fortunato Depero at MART, the Contemporay Art Museum of Rovereto, birthplace of Depero. In January 2020 his project Trieste harbor of creativity and culture of the Fourth Industrial Revolution has been selected as an event of ESOF 2020. The main theme is Art+Science+Technology X Regeneration, with a special -critical- focus on considering the impact of the fourth industrial revolution on the European cities; thinking of Trieste as a possible incubator of a new sustainable, Enhanced City to face the main problem: how technology can be introduced effectively and ethically into urban communities.
In 2007, at NABA, he was named the director of the Master Digital Environment Design and advisor of the PhD program of the Planetary Collegium, M-Node in Milan.