Dagmar Schurrer

Digital Artist

Dagmar holds a degree in Fine Art from Central Saint Martin’s College of Art and Design in London, UK, and works in the field of expanded animation and Extended Reality (XR) technologies.

In her hybrid experiences, she links (Neuro-) sciences, new technologies as XR and Artificial Intelligence, digital world-building and poetic interpretations of human consciousness and its environmental entanglements, to create intricate and contemplative animations and spatial multimedia installations.

Significant international presentations of her works include the New Contemporaries at the ICA London, the Moscow Biennale for Young Art, the Centre Pompidou Paris, Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin, Louvre Auditorium Paris, Transmediale Vorspiel in Berlin, Eunam Museum South Korea, Ars Electronica Linz, Supernova Denver, Diagonale Filmfestival Graz, and the Museum of Waste in Changsha, China.

She is a project assistant at the research group INKA at the Institute for Culture and Computer Science at the University for Applied Sciences Berlin, within which she explores XR technologies and supports the production of XR applications in the field of art and culture. As a board member of the Berlin media art association (medienkunstverein), she is committed to supporting new forms of presentation of contemporary new media art.