We have witnessed increasingly rapid changes in the global market in recent years, where disruptive business models play a leading role. Disruptive technologies are those that change established business processes, and even entire industries, introducing a completely new business model based on technology.
We are living in an interesting time. Disruptive technology will bring us a complete redefinition of various spheres of life in this and the next decade. Many people will lose their jobs but many things will be more accessible and cheaper for all of us.
As Charles Darwin said “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”
Should we prepare ourselves for the change or wait for another opportunity in our comfort zone?
During this panel discussion we will speak about:
• Positive influence that disruptive technologies are having on everyday life and common people
• Best initiatives in Serbia of using these technologies in different spheres in our society
• Taking advantages of digital disruption as a possibility for growth
• Trends on the European level
Speakers who will share their expertise are:
• Vladimir Trkulja, Venture Fellow at UNICEF Global Innovation Fund
• Tijana Kolundzija, Program Manager at UNDP Serbia
• Tadej Slapnik, Director of HashNet Slovenia
• Natali Delić, Business and technology advisor, President of the bord at Data Science Serbia.
• Moderator: Branko Krsmanović, Science Technology Park